How to apply

EV welcomes applications from both organisations and individuals.

The next workshop will be in April with further workshops being planned for later in the year.


To apply for yourself or someone else, you should:

Further Information

Some points you may want to consider before making an application/referral :-

Has any court process completed?
EV believes that people benefit from the programme when they are no longer involved in any court process, this does not include appeals or parole hearings etc.

Do Participants feel ‘stuck’ in their situation and feel unable to function as they wish?
This is a common feeling for people suffering from trauma and the programme is designed to help in this situation.

The programme is not a retreat or holiday it is a workshop, it is for those who wish to make changes to their lives but are not sure how to do this.

Do they want to bring a family member with them on the programme?
EV says that the programme is designed to benefit and give time to an individual away from their other family responsibilities. In some relationships, one person often takes on a more caring role than the other and if this happens on the programme, they might not both gain as much as they could have alone. However, if participants feel unable to attend on their own and it is felt both would benefit from attending at the same time we do not refuse this.

Our venues are all comfortable and safe with good food and nice grounds.

Participants are not expected to ‘tell their stories’ at any point.

Do they have to do everything on the programme?
No, it’s not compulsory but we want people to benefit from their attendance, which they won’t do if they don’t attend the main sessions, which they will be supported to do.